Sunday, December 14, 2008

Funny... (Part 3)

RM47m Intel heist solved


GEORGE TOWN: Police have classified the RM47mil Intel Technology Sdn Bhd microchip heist in 2006 as solved but the case remains open as the goods have yet to be recovered.

State deputy police chief Senior Asst Comm (I) Datuk Salleh Mat Rasid said more than 30 suspects had been arrested but none had been charged as there was insufficient evidence.

Under the Emergency Ordinance, eight of the suspects were sent to the Simpang Renggam detention centre for two years while the remaining suspects were released.

“The goods cannot be recovered so we do not regard this as an achievement. We have classified the case as solved since we have identified the robbers, but not closed,” he said, adding that they suspected the microchips had been smuggled out of the country.

The heist, one of the country’s biggest and most daring, involved more than 20 robbers who stormed the Second Air Cargo Complex in Batu Maung in two trailers and escaped with 585 cartons and 18 pallets of microchips. Seventeen people were hurt during the robbery.

On a related matter, SAC Salleh told a press conference at investPenang yesterday that Penang’s crime index had declined.

He said the state police were focusing on improving their delivery system and crime prevention strategies.

The programmes for next year would be announced by Penang CPO Datuk Wira Ayub Yaakob soon, he added.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who chaired the press conference, said the state was looking into a proposal to set up a permanent police base at each end of the Penang Bridge.

On the use of the Emergency Ordinance on the suspected Intel robbers which involved the use of detention without trial, Lim said the disclosure of this information “did not mean we (Pakatan Rakyat) supported the law” as Pakatan had made its stand on the issue “very clear”.


Our law enforcement and prosecution's track record are really really poor till they have to resort to using a dirty tactic to detain the so called "suspects" as there was no concrete evidence.
So, how they classified the case as "solved" really baffles me. And to see that those 8 "suspects" detained for crime that they may not commit. So, what happened to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Ironically, this declaration was signed 4 days ago, 60 years before.

Funny and ironic eh? But it's not to me! Our government is slowly turning into a Khmer Rouge regime.


Anonymous said...

Proven and will be used again strategy, out of sight, out of mind. What happened to Dude! Where's Bala?! Mr. looks-like-me and-it-sounds-like-me? Mr. Baginda-the-one-that-got-away? AP-Queen?! Billions wasted and injustice will continue to prevail in "BolehLAN"

Anonymous said...

Proven and will be used again strategy, out of sight, out of mind. What happened to Dude! Where's Bala?! Mr. looks-like-me and-it-sounds-like-me? Mr. Baginda-the-one-that-got-away? AP-Queen?! Billions wasted and injustice will continue to prevail in "BolehLAN"