Saturday, November 01, 2008

Down The Memory Lane

It's been more than 4 years since I last stepped into my alma mater and I badly missed my university days. As I took leave last Tuesday, I decided to drive to UKM to have a short tour around. After all, I was on my way from Seremban to Lumut, and I will be passing the Bangi exit.

Let's take a short tour around the campus.

Photo 1 : The main road leading into UKM entrace. One can see the uni's mosque just on the right of the entrace

*** AROUND UKM ***

Photo 2 : Front view of DECTAR (Dewan Chanselor Tun Abdul Razak).
It's the main hall of the university.

Photo 3 : View of a stadium. Track and field events are conducted here on a regular basis
Photo 4 : View of a swimming pool in KRUKM (Kelab Rekreasi UKM).
It was here that I won led my hostel and winning medals in the annual inter-hostel swimming competition *beaming with pride*

Photo 5 : One nice thing about UKM is that there are lots of greeneries around. You can find rows of trees alongside the road. The management is really supportive of green environment, I guess

Photo 6 : Road leading to the heart of UKM

Photo 7 : View of FSKK (Faculty of Human Science and Sociology ... I think the name is something like that larr)

*** KOM B ***

Photo 8 : Kolej Aminuddin Baki (Kom B), the hostel I stayed throughout the 4 years in uni

Photo 9 : My room is on the top floor, furthest to the left

Photo 10 : Bien venue a Kolej Aminuddin Baki

Photo 11 : The main lobby of the hostel administration office.
Used to hang out here often (reading free newspaper, chatting up with frens, lepak lepak, watching TV)

Photo 12 : The sofa sets are quite new

Photo 13 : K5B up ahead

Photo 14 : K5B-419. My room for 4 years! Currently unoccupied.

Photo 15: The stairs leading from Kom B to PTSL and Pusanika

*** PTSL ***

Photo 15: The exterior of PTSL (Perpustakaan Tun Sri Lanang). It was renovated ever since I left uni in 2004. Plus, free wi-fi connection is available, and you can see lots of students using laptop compared to my time

Photo 16: The interior of PTSL. The interior was renovated as well, with a brand new sofa set thrown in

Photo 16: Nice designing work, but I must say the pinkish/reddish colour is not really conducive to study environment

*** PUSANIKA ***

Photo 17: Nescafe stall still stand strong after these years. It was first set up in year 2000.

Photo 18: Choir room has been "cannibalized" and turned into this club

*** KEJUT ***

Photo 19 : Kejut Lake (Kejut = short form for Kejuruteraan), beautiful and serene. During my time, this lake was full of muddy water and no fish is able to survive here

Photo 20 : Solar House, an experimenting ground for solar energy. A new addition after I graduated. Situated opposite Faculty of Engineering.

Photo 21 : Front view of Faculty of Engineering

Photo 22 : Masterpiece from the students of Deparment of Architecture.
This department was only set up in year 2004.


Just Sense Boutique said...

its great to see that! i'm gonna put mine toooo

Anonymous said...

yes. Please put up yours. Who knows, I could become your junior soon?

Anonymous said...

you must be freaking out of your mind! the killer steps! and the stupid speaker outside your room! *shudders

Anonymous said...

Hahahha.. I am used to that "alarm clock" outside my room. Ringing 5 times a day without fail.

Anonymous said...

wow...nostalgia man! esp the pusanika part

haha ppl must be wondering who's the weirdo UKM tourist...

omg we have been taken over by the LOVING CLUB! How can this be....


Anonymous said...

Where is the love??
*singing to the tune of Justin TImberlake's song*